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MEDIQUE 83580 Cough/Cold Reliever,80ct 799YZ8


Cough/Cold Reliever,80ct 799YZ8

Item Description
Cough and Cold Reliever, Purpose Cough and Cold, Exterior Package Type Box, Active Ingredient Dextromethorphan HBr, Guaifenesin, Acetaminophen, Phenylephrine HCl, Unit Dose Acetaminophen: 325 mg, Dextromethorphan HBR: 10 mg, Guaifenesin: 100 mg, Phenylephrine HCl: 5 mg, Number of Individual Doses 40, Dose Package Type Packets, Individually Dosed Individually Dosed, Strength Regular Strength, Flavor Unflavored, Format Tablet

Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including Titanium dioxide which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to

Grainger Part #:799YZ8

Please Read

ATTENTION International/Non-US customers:
We cannot ship to a PO Box. We ship via DHL and require a physical location to deliver to. Please provide a complete physical address in English, with a valid phone number, and valid Contact name for Delivery.

Shipping fees are charged during eBay Checkout. Duties and Taxes, if applicable, are charged by your local government, and will be collected by DHL at the time of Delivery. Please expect a phone call or email from DHL to arrange delivery and collection of Duties and VAT/sales tax.

These items are intended to be used in North America. Power adapters and other modifications may be necessary for proper operation in other countries.


Returns are Fast and Easy.  We accept returns within 30 days of when your order is delivered.  

Go to your order on and click on "Request Return".

Terms of Sale



Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Theycontain important information concerning customer?s (?Customer?) legal rights,warranties, obligations and available dispute resolutions remedies. They alsoprovide that if Grainger is unable to resolve any matter to Customer?ssatisfaction, Customer will exclusively use arbitration to decide the disputeand Customer will bring its claim solely on an individual basis and not in aclass action or representative proceeding.

Grainger reserves the right to revise these Terms andConditions at any time.

2. Sales Tax.

Customer is responsible for payment of all applicable stateand local taxes.

4. Product Compliance and Suitability.

Jurisdictions have varying laws, codes and regulationsgoverning construction, installation, and/or use of products for a particularpurpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas. Graingerdoes not guarantee compliance or suitability of the products it sells with anylaws, codes or regulations, nor does Grainger accept responsibility forconstruction, installation and/or use of a product. It is Customer'sresponsibility to review the product application and all applicable laws, codesand regulations for each relevant jurisdiction to be sure that theconstruction, installation, and/or use involving the products are compliant.

5. Modification of Terms.

Grainger?s acceptance of any order is subject to Customer?sassent to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein. Customer's assentto these terms and conditions shall be presumed from Customer's receipt ofGrainger?s acknowledgment, or from Customer?s acceptance of all or any part ofthe products ordered. No additions or modifications of Grainger?s terms andconditions by Customer shall be binding upon Grainger, unless agreed to inwriting by an authorized representative of Grainger. If a purchase order orother correspondence submitted by Customer contains terms or conditionscontrary or in addition to the terms and conditions contained herein or inGrainger?s acknowledgment, Grainger?s fulfillment of any such purchase ordershall not be construed as assent to any of the terms and conditions proposed byCustomer, and will not constitute a waiver by Grainger of any of the terms andconditions contained herein or in Grainger?s acknowledgment. Grainger reservesthe right to accept or reject any order. Grainger reserves the right to limitthe total quantity of items purchased per order and the number of individualorders placed per Customer per day.

6. Complete Agreement.

The terms and conditions in: (i) Grainger?s forms; (ii)acknowledgments; (iii) quotations; (iv) invoices; (v) web sites; (vi) catalogs;and (vii) extension of credit are incorporated herein by reference, andconstitute the entire and exclusive agreement between Customer and Grainger.

7. Authorization.

Business Customers represent that any person accepting theseTerms of Sale on behalf of the Business Customer is authorized to do so andthat all employees and representatives of the Business Customer who or any other Grainger website or application on behalf of theBusiness Customer or otherwise purchase products from Grainger on behalf of BusinessCustomer have the legal right, and are duly authorized, to make such purchasesand further authorized to enter into agreements relating to the purchase ofproducts or services or to obtain pricing or discounts from Grainger on behalfof Business Customer. Business Customers hereby agree to indemnify and holdGrainger harmless against any breach of this representation.

Export Terms



1. Order Acceptance.

Customer acknowledges that no order shall be deemed acceptedunless and until it is verified and accepted by Grainger, or any of its U.S.affiliates and divisions, at a continental U.S. facility or at any of itswebsites. Customer further consents that submission of its order shall subjectCustomer to the jurisdiction of the federal courts of the U.S. and of the Statewhere acceptance occurred in the U.S.

2. Sales Tax and Duties, Import Fees.

Grainger is required to charge U.S. federal, state, localtax, applicable duties, and import fees on products, or for providing a validexemption certificate. Customer assumes responsibility for, and unconditionallyguarantees payment or reimbursement of, all applicable taxes, fees, licenses,import duties, and expenses as may be applicable. When placing an order,Customer shall indicate which products are tax exempt.

3. Export Controls and Related Regulations.

Customer represents and warrants that it is not designatedon, or associated with, any party designated on any of the U.S. governmentrestricted parties lists, including without limitation, the U.S. CommerceDepartment Bureau of Industry and Security (?BIS?) Denied Persons List; EntityList or Unverified List; the U.S. Treasury Department Office of Foreign AssetsControl (?OFAC?) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List; orthe U.S. State Department Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (?DDTC?)Debarred Parties List. Customer shall comply with all applicable U.S. economicsanctions and export control laws and regulations, including withoutlimitation, the regulations administered by OFAC, the Export AdministrationRegulations (?EAR?) administered by BIS, and the International Traffic in ArmsRegulations administered by DDTC.

4. Foreign Principal Party in Interest; Freight Forwarderand Documentation.

It is specifically agreed that Customer shall be the foreignprincipal party in interest (?FPPI?) and/or that its freight forwarder shallact as Customer's agent in such capacity for purposes of the Foreign TradeRegulations or other regulatory purposes, and Customer and its freightforwarder are responsible for all routed export transactions documentation,including but not limited to the filing of the required Electronic ExportInformation/Automated Export System records. At Grainger?s request, Customer orits freight forwarder shall provide copies of any export, shipping, or importdocumentation prepared by Customer or its freight forwarder related to sales toCustomer by Grainger. In the event a license is required for export from theU.S., then (i) Grainger reserves the right to select its own freight forwarderto facilitate and file the export license; or (ii) the FPPI will provide Graingerwritten notice that it expressly assumes responsibility for determininglicensing requirements and obtaining the license, thereby making the U.S. agentof the FPPI the exporter of record for purposes of meeting EAR requirements.

6. Country of Importation and Anti-diversion.

Customer represents that it is purchasing products from theU.S. and importing them to the country for the use of the ultimate consigneespecified in the Customer and Grainger documentation. Customer agrees that theproducts will not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to anyother country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee orend-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated intoother items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or asotherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations. Any commodities, technologyand software will be exported from the U.S. in accordance with the U.S. ExportAdministration Regulations and other applicable laws or regulations. Diversioncontrary to U.S. law is prohibited. If requested by Grainger, Customer shallprovide documentation satisfactory to Grainger verifying delivery at thedesignated country, the identity of end users ordering products from Customerand the terms and conditions upon which such end users request products to besupplied. Customer further agrees to inform Grainger at the time of order ofany North American Free Trade Agreement or other special documentation,packaging or product marking or labeling, but Grainger shall not be responsiblefor providing any such documentation, packaging, marking or labeling other thansuch documents that are necessary under U.S. export laws and regulations forexport, unless Grainger expressly agrees to do so.

7. Permits, Export, and Import Licenses.

Customer shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses orother official authorizations that may be required by the country ofimportation. When the Customer is designated as the U.S. Principal Party ofInterest, the Customer shall be responsible for obtaining licenses under theEAR, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Toxic Substances Control Act,or other applicable laws or regulations. If the Customer is the FPPI, then theterms contained in subsection 6 of this Section III shall apply.

8. Governing Law; Limitations.

The rights and obligations of the parties under these termsand conditions shall not be governed by the provisions of the 1980 UnitedNations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods or theUnited Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale ofGoods. Rather, these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of theState of Illinois, U.S., including its provisions of the Uniform CommercialCode, but excluding its conflict of law rules. Notwithstanding the foregoing,any legal action by Customer with respect to any transaction must be commencedwithin one (1) year after the cause of action has arisen.




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MEDIQUE 83580 Cough/Cold Reliever,80ct 799YZ8

MEDIQUE 83580 Cough/Cold Reliever,80ct 799YZ8

$39.38 $39.41 (0% off)

Cough/Cold Reliever,80ct 799YZ8

Item Description
Cough and Cold Reliever, Purpose Cough and Cold, Exterior Package Type Box, Active Ingredient Dextromethorphan HBr, Guaifenesin, Acetaminophen, Phenylephrine HCl, Unit Dose Acetaminophen: 325 mg, Dextromethorphan HBR: 10 mg, Guaifenesin: 100 mg, Phenylephrine HCl: 5 mg, Number of Individual Doses 40, Dose Package Type Packets, Individually Dosed Individually Dosed, Strength Regular Strength, Flavor Unflavored, Format Tablet

Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including Titanium dioxide which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to

Grainger Part #:799YZ8

Please Read

ATTENTION International/Non-US customers:
We cannot ship to a PO Box. We ship via DHL and require a physical location to deliver to. Please provide a complete physical address in English, with a valid phone number, and valid Contact name for Delivery.

Shipping fees are charged during eBay Checkout. Duties and Taxes, if applicable, are charged by your local government, and will be collected by DHL at the time of Delivery. Please expect a phone call or email from DHL to arrange delivery and collection of Duties and VAT/sales tax.

These items are intended to be used in North America. Power adapters and other modifications may be necessary for proper operation in other countries.


Returns are Fast and Easy.  We accept returns within 30 days of when your order is delivered.  

Go to your order on and click on "Request Return".

Terms of Sale



Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Theycontain important information concerning customer?s (?Customer?) legal rights,warranties, obligations and available dispute resolutions remedies. They alsoprovide that if Grainger is unable to resolve any matter to Customer?ssatisfaction, Customer will exclusively use arbitration to decide the disputeand Customer will bring its claim solely on an individual basis and not in aclass action or representative proceeding.

Grainger reserves the right to revise these Terms andConditions at any time.

2. Sales Tax.

Customer is responsible for payment of all applicable stateand local taxes.

4. Product Compliance and Suitability.

Jurisdictions have varying laws, codes and regulationsgoverning construction, installation, and/or use of products for a particularpurpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas. Graingerdoes not guarantee compliance or suitability of the products it sells with anylaws, codes or regulations, nor does Grainger accept responsibility forconstruction, installation and/or use of a product. It is Customer'sresponsibility to review the product application and all applicable laws, codesand regulations for each relevant jurisdiction to be sure that theconstruction, installation, and/or use involving the products are compliant.

5. Modification of Terms.

Grainger?s acceptance of any order is subject to Customer?sassent to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein. Customer's assentto these terms and conditions shall be presumed from Customer's receipt ofGrainger?s acknowledgment, or from Customer?s acceptance of all or any part ofthe products ordered. No additions or modifications of Grainger?s terms andconditions by Customer shall be binding upon Grainger, unless agreed to inwriting by an authorized representative of Grainger. If a purchase order orother correspondence submitted by Customer contains terms or conditionscontrary or in addition to the terms and conditions contained herein or inGrainger?s acknowledgment, Grainger?s fulfillment of any such purchase ordershall not be construed as assent to any of the terms and conditions proposed byCustomer, and will not constitute a waiver by Grainger of any of the terms andconditions contained herein or in Grainger?s acknowledgment. Grainger reservesthe right to accept or reject any order. Grainger reserves the right to limitthe total quantity of items purchased per order and the number of individualorders placed per Customer per day.

6. Complete Agreement.

The terms and conditions in: (i) Grainger?s forms; (ii)acknowledgments; (iii) quotations; (iv) invoices; (v) web sites; (vi) catalogs;and (vii) extension of credit are incorporated herein by reference, andconstitute the entire and exclusive agreement between Customer and Grainger.

7. Authorization.

Business Customers represent that any person accepting theseTerms of Sale on behalf of the Business Customer is authorized to do so andthat all employees and representatives of the Business Customer who or any other Grainger website or application on behalf of theBusiness Customer or otherwise purchase products from Grainger on behalf of BusinessCustomer have the legal right, and are duly authorized, to make such purchasesand further authorized to enter into agreements relating to the purchase ofproducts or services or to obtain pricing or discounts from Grainger on behalfof Business Customer. Business Customers hereby agree to indemnify and holdGrainger harmless against any breach of this representation.

Export Terms



1. Order Acceptance.

Customer acknowledges that no order shall be deemed acceptedunless and until it is verified and accepted by Grainger, or any of its U.S.affiliates and divisions, at a continental U.S. facility or at any of itswebsites. Customer further consents that submission of its order shall subjectCustomer to the jurisdiction of the federal courts of the U.S. and of the Statewhere acceptance occurred in the U.S.

2. Sales Tax and Duties, Import Fees.

Grainger is required to charge U.S. federal, state, localtax, applicable duties, and import fees on products, or for providing a validexemption certificate. Customer assumes responsibility for, and unconditionallyguarantees payment or reimbursement of, all applicable taxes, fees, licenses,import duties, and expenses as may be applicable. When placing an order,Customer shall indicate which products are tax exempt.

3. Export Controls and Related Regulations.

Customer represents and warrants that it is not designatedon, or associated with, any party designated on any of the U.S. governmentrestricted parties lists, including without limitation, the U.S. CommerceDepartment Bureau of Industry and Security (?BIS?) Denied Persons List; EntityList or Unverified List; the U.S. Treasury Department Office of Foreign AssetsControl (?OFAC?) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List; orthe U.S. State Department Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (?DDTC?)Debarred Parties List. Customer shall comply with all applicable U.S. economicsanctions and export control laws and regulations, including withoutlimitation, the regulations administered by OFAC, the Export AdministrationRegulations (?EAR?) administered by BIS, and the International Traffic in ArmsRegulations administered by DDTC.

4. Foreign Principal Party in Interest; Freight Forwarderand Documentation.

It is specifically agreed that Customer shall be the foreignprincipal party in interest (?FPPI?) and/or that its freight forwarder shallact as Customer's agent in such capacity for purposes of the Foreign TradeRegulations or other regulatory purposes, and Customer and its freightforwarder are responsible for all routed export transactions documentation,including but not limited to the filing of the required Electronic ExportInformation/Automated Export System records. At Grainger?s request, Customer orits freight forwarder shall provide copies of any export, shipping, or importdocumentation prepared by Customer or its freight forwarder related to sales toCustomer by Grainger. In the event a license is required for export from theU.S., then (i) Grainger reserves the right to select its own freight forwarderto facilitate and file the export license; or (ii) the FPPI will provide Graingerwritten notice that it expressly assumes responsibility for determininglicensing requirements and obtaining the license, thereby making the U.S. agentof the FPPI the exporter of record for purposes of meeting EAR requirements.

6. Country of Importation and Anti-diversion.

Customer represents that it is purchasing products from theU.S. and importing them to the country for the use of the ultimate consigneespecified in the Customer and Grainger documentation. Customer agrees that theproducts will not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to anyother country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee orend-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated intoother items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or asotherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations. Any commodities, technologyand software will be exported from the U.S. in accordance with the U.S. ExportAdministration Regulations and other applicable laws or regulations. Diversioncontrary to U.S. law is prohibited. If requested by Grainger, Customer shallprovide documentation satisfactory to Grainger verifying delivery at thedesignated country, the identity of end users ordering products from Customerand the terms and conditions upon which such end users request products to besupplied. Customer further agrees to inform Grainger at the time of order ofany North American Free Trade Agreement or other special documentation,packaging or product marking or labeling, but Grainger shall not be responsiblefor providing any such documentation, packaging, marking or labeling other thansuch documents that are necessary under U.S. export laws and regulations forexport, unless Grainger expressly agrees to do so.

7. Permits, Export, and Import Licenses.

Customer shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses orother official authorizations that may be required by the country ofimportation. When the Customer is designated as the U.S. Principal Party ofInterest, the Customer shall be responsible for obtaining licenses under theEAR, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Toxic Substances Control Act,or other applicable laws or regulations. If the Customer is the FPPI, then theterms contained in subsection 6 of this Section III shall apply.

8. Governing Law; Limitations.

The rights and obligations of the parties under these termsand conditions shall not be governed by the provisions of the 1980 UnitedNations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods or theUnited Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale ofGoods. Rather, these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of theState of Illinois, U.S., including its provisions of the Uniform CommercialCode, but excluding its conflict of law rules. Notwithstanding the foregoing,any legal action by Customer with respect to any transaction must be commencedwithin one (1) year after the cause of action has arisen.


Item Specifics

  • Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. See the seller's listing for full details
  • Brand: MEDIQUE
  • Type: Not Available
  • MPN: 83580
  • Dosage: Not Available
  • Expiration Date: Not Available
  • UPC: 347682835804
  • Shipping Summary:

    • Packages are shipped from Monday to Friday.
    • The usual time for processing an order is 1 to 3 business days, but may vary depending on the availability of products ordered. This period excludes delivery times, which depend on your geographic location.
    • We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. Each individual product may be shipped from different fulfillment centers across the globe as our product research team spends the time to source quality yet affordable products. 

    Estimated delivery times:

    • Standard Shipping: 3-7 business days
    • Expedited Shipping: 2-5 business days
    • International Shipping: 10 - 15 business days

    Please note that these are estimates, not guarantees. Delivery time depends on a number of variables, and there may be delays such as bad weather affecting air transport, or a package being held for inspection by Customs. ibspot is not liable for any delays in international transportation or customs clearance.

    Shipments can be delivered directly to most addresses, except post office boxes. However, in certain remote areas, there may be an additional delivery charge or you may need to pick up your package from the closest service location of ibspot's shipping partner.

    Shipping Status: 

    As soon as your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email that includes your tracking number. 

    If you don't receive a shipping confirmation email right away, don't worry! We know the delivery date or date range provided at checkout and we'll be sure to deliver the items within that timeframe.

    Order changes: 

    Please contact our customer support if the order needs to be canceled or modified.

    Item not received: 

    If you've successfully placed an order and haven't received it yet while the tracking status shows it's delivered. you'd wish to contact the carrier to hunt out your Cover as once the item is Covered we  have control over it (once it’s by the carrier), but if still persists kindly email us 

    Damaged Parcel
    If your package has been delivered in a PO Box, please note that we are not responsible for any damage that may result (consequences of extreme temperatures, theft, etc.). 

    If you have any questions regarding shipping or want to know about the status of an order, please contact us or email to


    Please Read Our Return & Refund Policy Carefully: 


    You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

    To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

    Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.

    Additional non-returnable items:

    • Gift cards
    • Downloadable software products
    • Some health and personal care items

    To complete your return, we require a tracking number, which shows the items which you already returned to us.
    There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)

    • Book with obvious signs of use
    • CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened
    • Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
    • Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery

    Items returned to us as a result of our error will receive a full refund,some returns may be subject to a restocking fee of 7% of the total item price, please contact a customer care team member to see if your return is subject. Returns that arrived on time and were as described are subject to a restocking fee.

    Items returned to us that were not the result of our error, including items returned to us due to an invalid or incomplete address, will be refunded the original item price less our standard restocking fees.

    You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).

    If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.

    Shipping Cost

    We'll pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). In other cases, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

    Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

    If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.


    • Purchases may be returned within 30 days of the shipping date for a refund. 
    • Refund will be issued to your original form of payment.
    • Refunds for orders purchased with IBSPOT Gift Cards and/or IBSPOT Notes will be issued as a  IBSPOT Gift Card and mailed to the original billing address. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash unless  required by law. 

    Refund Processing 

    • Returns to a IBSPOT store will be refunded to the original form of payment or gift card. • Mail-in returns with our prepaid return label will be refunded back to the original form of payment within 3-5  business days after we receive your return. Please allow 5-7 business days for your return to arrive at our Returns Center. 

    • Note: It may take a few days until your bank posts the refund to your account. 


    Claims related to the product. Be sure to check the details of your purchase carefully before you make the payment, and  check the contents of the package(s) promptly upon receipt. If you have a problem with the product, visit our Support  Center to find out about return shipping arrangements. 



    If you discover your order is flawed please contact us Mail: With photos of the wrong product we will providing a return shipping label. Once it is tracking we will ship a replacement a product immediately. 

    Damages and issues 

    Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective,  damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right. 

    Exceptions / non-returnable items 

    Certain types of items cannot be returned, like perishable goods (such as food, flowers, or plants),  custom products (such as special orders or personalized items), and personal care goods (such as  beauty products). We also do not accept returns for hazardous materials, flammable liquids, or  gases. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards. 


    The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return  is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item. 


    Sorry, it looks like some products are not available in selected quantity.


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