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Fantastic Synergy Belly Fat Healthy Diet Multivitamin Arginine 30 packets, 360g, 1 unit / 판타스틱 시너지 뱃살 건강다이어트 멀티비타민 아르기닌 30포, 360g, 1개


Health Functional Food Special Award

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A short-term diet that fills you up and allows you to eat everything without yo-yoing♥

You’ve been patient for a long time^^
Thank you for your hard work~
Distancing lifted on the 18th
Dear customers, now is finally the diet season.

From disappointment to an ineffective diet, to a feeling of betrayal
Have you been so upset all this time?

At least one month to lose weight
Do you have to wait for more than 3 months?

What time period?
This takes at least 3 to 10 days.
It takes effect right away

Diet to lose belly fat first
A comfortable diet where you can eat everything you want

The secret to Wannabe girls’ fantastic bodies
Fantastic Synergy
I just ate Fantastic Synergy while eating everything.
Change to a body that attracts attention everywhere

Fantastic synergy! ❤️
Clean our body !
Time for a clean clean detox!
Even small inflammations in the cells in our body
Fantastic Synergy to Clean

Already for hospital use
Well known for cosmetics
Striving for perfection
Honest and good company

From DaniellMedi

this time
your health and
The perfect detox diet product that will take care of your beauty has been released~

All your worries and concerns will be put to rest at once.
The best ever
Avengers level

While eating everything
So of course there is no stress at all.
The absolute strongest person who has gathered all the secrets to Wanna Vista's fantastic body.

For those of you who may be discouraged by the fact that I have a really bad constitution,
Breaking the stereotypes of the existing diet market!!
Introducing Fantastic Synergy!!

Having been in charge of practice for a long time
The Avengers Corps of the distribution industry
Compensating for the shortcomings of previous products
Maximized the benefits!!

After dozens of tests
Without missing a single detail
A carefully designed, child-like product
We confidently introduce Fantastic Synergy.

Fantastic Synergy Ingredients

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidant ingredients that prevents cells in our body from being damaged by sulfuric oxygen.
Helps reduce free radicals that can increase during exercise
It also helps with immunity that declines when dieting.
When losing weight rapidly or changing your eating habits
Vitamin C is something that you must take.
Weight loss effect just by taking vitamin C alone
Taking vitamin C before exercise helps your body recover faster during exercise.

vitamin b2
Riboflavin, which is very important to our body, is a part of FAD and FMN and plays an important role in DNA and protein synthesis and gluconeogenesis.
It is an ingredient involved in the energy metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Regenerative growth and regenerative action of cells
Good for maintaining the health of eyes, skin, nails and hair and brain function.
Produces neurotransmitters.
It helps prevent various inflammatory diseases and excretes cellular waste.

citric acid
Prevents fine wrinkles and makes skin healthy
Helps relieve fatigue by preventing accumulation of waste products
Promotes energy metabolism.

As a type of carbohydrate
It is a carbohydrate that is absorbed quickly.
It serves to increase energy
Helps increase regular bowel movement frequency and quantity.

vitamin b6
A nutrient that helps promote brain health and metabolism.
It is an essential ingredient for maintaining human health.
It helps with mental health by helping produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which stabilize the nerves.
Involved in the metabolism of estrogen
It plays a role in maintaining hormonal balance in the human body.

It acts as a vasodilator, opening veins and arteries.
It plays a role in producing nitric oxide and helps improve blood circulation.
Promotes blood circulation, increases basal metabolic rate, and reduces body fat.
By activating metabolism, it helps protect liver function, recover from fatigue, and improve exercise ability.

palm oil
Vegetable oil extracted from the fruit of the palm tree

Various sugar components that appear when starch is digested

gum arabic
It is a certified functional raw material that helps smooth bowel movements.
Beans and Acacia (Acacia senegal WILLDENOW) plants
A natural gum made from hardened sap.
It helps with dental health and lowers blood cholesterol.

steviol glycoside
A natural sweetener extracted from stevia leaves of the Asteraceae plant.
It is a compound that gives a sweet taste.

Hibiscus, also known as “God’s flower”!
Cleopatra of ancient Egypt, as well as many Egyptians, enjoyed brewing flower petals as tea.

➡️Skin beauty anti-aging effect - such as vitamin C and vitamin A
It is rich in antioxidants and suppresses free radicals, preventing skin aging and giving it elasticity.
➡️Strengthening immunity - Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients help strengthen skin immunity, and it is rich in 'ascorbic acid', which is necessary for our body's immune function, which helps strengthen immunity.
➡️Weight loss - It has the effect of lowering the carbohydrate metabolism rate and suppressing appetite by blocking the secretion of amylase, which helps the absorption of carbohydrates.
It helps with weight loss and has an excellent diuretic effect, helping excrete unnecessary water from the body.
➡️In addition, it has various benefits such as strengthening kidney function, preventing high blood pressure, improving menstrual irregularities, lowering cholesterol, improving depression, improving liver health, and helping digestion.

It can be taken from infants to adults.
It helps prevent hepatic coma and lowers the pH of the large intestine.
(Changed from NH3➡️NH4+ in the intestine)
When pH decreases, ammonia-producing bacteria present in the intestines cannot survive.
It plays a role in reducing ammonia sources.
It promotes bowel movement by expelling any remaining ammonia.

*Specialty drug - intersex coma prevention permit
*Over-the-counter medicine - approved for constipation treatment

It does not raise blood sugar levels and has a very low glycemic index.
It is an ingredient recommended instead of sugar for diabetic patients.
It has the effect of preventing cavities
It acts as a prebiotic and helps with intestinal health.
Helps with weight loss.

Sucralose - an artificial sweetener with a sweetness 600 times stronger than sugar.

vitamin k1
A vitamin involved in blood coagulation, which improves blood flow and improves blood supply to the heart.
It is an ingredient that prevents various heart diseases.

Vitamin D3
Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, which directly affect bone health
Helps absorb calcium, increases bone density, and creates rich hair.
It plays a role in maintaining it.

Vitamin E Benefits
It has a powerful antioxidant effect, so much so that it is called a rejuvenating vitamin.
Vitamin E has a detoxifying effect and removes free radicals.
Helps delay cell oxidation and aging.
Promotes collagen production to prevent wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.
It prevents skin aging and helps with menopause.
Helps improve blood circulation and blood circulation and breaks down cholesterol
It is an essential nutrient when dieting.

‍♀️I recommend this to these people‍♀️
✔If you have an important appointment
✔Those who want a diet that preserves their youthful appearance
✔Those who want to become slim through easy intake
Those who are concerned about bowel movements
People who want to manage their weight due to being overweight
✔Those who want to regain balance in the body lost due to late-night snacking or binge eating

Women just need to lose a few pounds
I had a life-changing experience.
A magical secret that allows a fantastic life to unfold for me too
Get quick results in a short period of time

Isin: I1U60LLV9QPJ


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Fantastic Synergy Belly Fat Healthy Diet Multivitamin Arginine 30 packets, 360g, 1 unit / 판타스틱 시너지 뱃살 건강다이어트 멀티비타민 아르기닌 30포, 360g, 1개

Fantastic Synergy Belly Fat Healthy Diet Multivitamin Arginine 30 packets, 36...

$324.21 $325.06 (0% off)



건강기능식품 특정상

개봉후에는 이유불문 반품,교환,환불이 되지않는점 숙지하시길 바랍니다.

고객의 단순변심으로 인한 반품,교환,환불이 되지 않는점 숙지하시길 바랍니다.


요요없이 먹을꺼 다먹는 배부른 단기 다이어트♥


오래 참으셨어요^^
고생하셨습니다 ~
18일 거리두기 해제
고객님들 드디어 지금부터 다이어트 시즌입니다

효과 없는 다이어트에  실망을 넘어 배반감까지
그간 너무 속상하셨죠? 

살빠지려면  최소 한달
길게는 3개월이상 기다려야한다구요?

어느 세월에요? 
이건 최소3일에서 10일이면
바로 효과가 나타납니다

뱃살부터 먼저 빠지는 다이어트
드시고싶은거 다 충분히 드시는 편한다이어트

워너비 언냐들의 환상적인 몸매비결
판타스틱 시너지
먹을꺼 다 먹으면서 판타스틱 시너지를 먹었을뿐인데
어디서나 주목받는 바디로 체인지

판타스틱 시너지 ! ❤️
우리 몸 을 클린 !
클린 클린 디톡스 할 시간 ! 
우리 몸 속 세포 들 작은 염증 들 까지
클린  할 판타스틱 시너지

이미 병원용
Cosmetics으로 잘 알려져 있는
완벽에 완벽을 기하는
정직하고 선한기업


여러분의 건강과
아름다움을 책임질 완벽한 디톡스 다이어트 제품이 출시되었습니다~ 

여러분의 모든 걱정과 고민들을 한방에 잠재울

먹을꺼 다 먹으면서 
그래서 당연히 스트레스 전혀 없는
워너비스타의 환상적인 몸매비결을 모두 모은 절대적 최강자

나는 정말 안빠찌는 체질이라고 낙담하실 분들을 위해,
기존 다이어트 시장의 정형화된 틀을 깬!!
판타스틱 시너지를 소개합니다!! 

오랜 실무를 담당해온 
유통업계의 어벤져스 군단이
그간의 제품들에서 단점들을 보완하고
장점을 극대화 하였습니다!! 

수 십차례 테스트를 거쳐 
디테일한 부분 한가지도 놓치지 않고
세심하게 디자인한 자식같은 제품이 
판타스틱 시너지, 자신있게 소개해드립니다

판타스틱 시너지 성분

비타민C는 항산화성분중 하나로 우리몸에서 세포가 황성산소에 의해 손상되는것을 막는 성분으로
운동시 증가할수 있는 활성산소를 줄이는데 도움을 주고
다이어트시 떨어지는 면연력에도 도움이 된다.
살을 급격하게 빼거나 평소의 식습관을 변경할 때는
필수로 먹어줘야 하는 것이바로 이 비타민C입니다.
비타민C를 단독 복용하는것만으로도 체중감소효과
운동전 비타민C를 섭취하면 운동중 몸이 빠르게 잘 회복하는데 
도움이 된다

우리몸에 정말중요한 리보플라빈은 FAD와 FMN의 일부로서 DNA와 단백질 합성 및 포도당 신생에 중요한 역할을 할뿐아니라
탄수화물.단백질.지방의 에너지대사관여하는 성분이다.
세포의 재생 성장및 재생작용
눈.피부.손발톱.모발의 건강유지.두뇌회전에 좋은
신경전달물질을 만든다.
각종 염증성 질환예방과 세포 노폐물을 배출하도록 도움을 준다.


피부 잔주름을 예방하고 건강하게 만들어준다
노폐물의축적을 방지하여 피로회복에 도움을 주며
에너지대사를 증진시킨다.

탄수화물의 일종으로 
빠르게 흡수되는 탄수화물이며
에너지를 높이는 역할을 하며
규칙적인 배변 빈도와 배변량을 증가시키는 데 도움을 준다.

두뇌건강과 신진대사활성화에 도움을 주는 영양소로
인체건강 유지에 필수적 성분이다.
신경을 안정시키는 도파민.세로토닌등의 신경전달물질이 생성하는 것을 도와 정신건강에 도움을 주며
에스트로겐의 대사에 관여하여
인체의 호르몬균형을 맞춰주는 역할을 한다.


정맥과 동맥을 열어주는 혈관확장 역할을 하는  
산화질소 생성하는 역활을 하여 혈액순환개선에 도움을 준다.
혈액순환을 촉진시켜주고 기초대사량을 올려 체지방을 줄여주고
신진대사활성화로 간기능보호 피로회복 운동능력의 향상에 도움을 준다.

야자나무의 열매에서 짜낸 식물성오일

전분이 소화되면서 나타나는 다양한 당성분

배변활동 원활에 도움을 주는 기능성 인증 원료이며
콩과 아카시아(Acacia senegal WILLDENOW)식물의 
수액을 굳혀서 만든 천연 검으로 
치아건강에도움을 주며 혈중 콜레스테롤을 저하시킨다.

천연감미료로 국화과식물 스테비아잎에서 추출한
달콤한 맛을 내는 화합물이다.

일명 "신의 꽃"이라 불리는 히비스커스 !
고대 이집트의 클레오파트라는 물론 많은 이집트인이 꽃잎을 우려 차로 즐겼다

➡️피부미용 노화방지 효과 - 비타민C, 비타민A 와 같은
항산화 성분이 풍부하게 함유되어 활성산소를 억제하여 피부의 노화를 막고 탄력을 줍니다.
➡️면역력 강화 - 소염작용과 항박테리아 성분이 피부면역력 강화에 도움을 주고, 우리 몸의 면역기능에 필요한 '아스코르빈산' 성분이 풍부해 면역력 강화에 도움이 됩니다.
➡️체중 감량 - 탄수화물의 흡수를 돕는 아밀라아제 분비를 막아 탄수화물 대사율을 낮추며 식욕 억제하는 효과가 있어 
체중 감량에 도움을 주고 이뇨작용도 뛰어나 체내 불필요한 수분배출을 도와줍니다
➡️그외 신장기능 강화,고혈압 예방,생리불순 개선,콜레스테롤 낮쳐줌,우울증 개선,간건강개선,소화에도 도움을 주는 다양한 효능이 있다.

영유아부터 어른까지 복용가능하며
간성혼수 예방에 도움을 주며 대장의 ph를 낮추는 작용을 한다.
(장내 NH3➡️NH4+로 변화)
ph가 낮아지면 장내에 존재하는 암모니아를 생성하는 박테리아들이 살아남지 못하게 하여 
암모니아 공급원을 줄이는 역할을 하는데
남아있는 암모니아까지 배출하게 하면서 배변활동을 촉진한다.

*일반의약품-변비치료로 허가


혈당을 높이지 않으며 혈당지수가 매우낮아서
당뇨환자에게 설탕대신 권하는 성분이며 
충치를 막는 효능이 있고
프리바이오틱스로 작용하여 장건강에 도움을 주며
체중감량에 도움을 준다.

수크랄로스 -설탕보다 600배강한 단맛을지닌 인공감미료

혈액응고에 관여하는 비타민으로 혈액의 흐름이 원활해지고 심장에 혈액 공급이 잘 되어 
각종 심장 질환들을 예방해주는 효과의 성분이다.

뼈건강에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 칼슘과 인의 흡수를 도와
칼슘의 흡수를 도와 뼈의 골밀도를 높이고 풍성한 헤어를
유지해주는 역할을 한다.

비타민 E 효능
회춘비타민이라고 불릴 정도로 강력한 항산화효과를 
가지고 있는 비타민E는 활성산소를 제거,해독효과가 있으며
세포의 산화와 노화를 지연시키는데 도움을 주며
콜라겐 생성을 촉진하여 주름예방과 피부탄력을 회복하여
피부노화를 예방해주고 갱년기에도 도움을 준다.
혈액개선 및 혈액순환에 도움을 주고 콜레스테롤을 분해
관리해주기때문에 다이어트시 꼭 필요한 영양소이다.

‍♀️이런분들께 추천드려요‍♀️
✔중요한 약속이 있으신분
✔동안을 지켜주는 다이어트를 원하시는분
✔간편한 섭취를 통해 날씬해지고 싶으신분
배변활동이 고민되시는분
과체중으로 인해 체중관리를 원하시는분
✔야식,폭식으로 깨진 몸의 균형을 되찾고 싶으신분

여자들은 몇키로 빼는것만으로 
인생이 달라지는 경험을 한답니다
판타스틱한 인생이 나에게도 펼쳐지는 마법같은 비책
단기로 빠른효과보세요


  • product name: Fantastic Synergy Multivitamin
  • Name and location of manufacturing facility: Refer to product detail page
  • Expiration date and storage method: Refer to product detail page
  • Capacity (weight) and quantity of contents per packaging unit: Refer to product detail page
  • Raw material name and content: Refer to product detail page
  • Nutrition information: Refer to product detail page
  • Function information: Refer to product detail page
  • Intake, method of intake, precautions for intake, and possibility of side effects: Refer to product detail page
  • Medicine or not: Refer to product detail page
  • Indication of genetically modified health foods: Refer to product detail page
  • Imported health functional food phrases: Refer to product detail page
  • Precautions for consumer safety: Refer to product detail page
  • Consumer consultation phone number: Refer to product detail page
  • Used by date: None

Shipping Summary:

  • Packages are shipped from Monday to Friday.
  • The usual time for processing an order is 1 to 3 business days, but may vary depending on the availability of products ordered. This period excludes delivery times, which depend on your geographic location.
  • We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. Each individual product may be shipped from different fulfillment centers across the globe as our product research team spends the time to source quality yet affordable products. 

Estimated delivery times:

  • Standard Shipping: 3-7 business days
  • Expedited Shipping: 2-5 business days
  • International Shipping: 10 - 15 business days

Please note that these are estimates, not guarantees. Delivery time depends on a number of variables, and there may be delays such as bad weather affecting air transport, or a package being held for inspection by Customs. ibspot is not liable for any delays in international transportation or customs clearance.

Shipments can be delivered directly to most addresses, except post office boxes. However, in certain remote areas, there may be an additional delivery charge or you may need to pick up your package from the closest service location of ibspot's shipping partner.

Shipping Status: 

As soon as your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email that includes your tracking number. 

If you don't receive a shipping confirmation email right away, don't worry! We know the delivery date or date range provided at checkout and we'll be sure to deliver the items within that timeframe.

Order changes: 

Please contact our customer support if the order needs to be canceled or modified.

Item not received: 

If you've successfully placed an order and haven't received it yet while the tracking status shows it's delivered. you'd wish to contact the carrier to hunt out your Cover as once the item is Covered we  have control over it (once it’s by the carrier), but if still persists kindly email us 

Damaged Parcel
If your package has been delivered in a PO Box, please note that we are not responsible for any damage that may result (consequences of extreme temperatures, theft, etc.). 

If you have any questions regarding shipping or want to know about the status of an order, please contact us or email to


Please Read Our Return & Refund Policy Carefully: 


You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.

Additional non-returnable items:

  • Gift cards
  • Downloadable software products
  • Some health and personal care items

To complete your return, we require a tracking number, which shows the items which you already returned to us.
There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)

  • Book with obvious signs of use
  • CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened
  • Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
  • Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery

Items returned to us as a result of our error will receive a full refund,some returns may be subject to a restocking fee of 7% of the total item price, please contact a customer care team member to see if your return is subject. Returns that arrived on time and were as described are subject to a restocking fee.

Items returned to us that were not the result of our error, including items returned to us due to an invalid or incomplete address, will be refunded the original item price less our standard restocking fees.

You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).

If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.

Shipping Cost

We'll pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). In other cases, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.


  • Purchases may be returned within 30 days of the shipping date for a refund. 
  • Refund will be issued to your original form of payment.
  • Refunds for orders purchased with IBSPOT Gift Cards and/or IBSPOT Notes will be issued as a  IBSPOT Gift Card and mailed to the original billing address. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash unless  required by law. 

Refund Processing 

• Returns to a IBSPOT store will be refunded to the original form of payment or gift card. • Mail-in returns with our prepaid return label will be refunded back to the original form of payment within 3-5  business days after we receive your return. Please allow 5-7 business days for your return to arrive at our Returns Center. 

• Note: It may take a few days until your bank posts the refund to your account. 


Claims related to the product. Be sure to check the details of your purchase carefully before you make the payment, and  check the contents of the package(s) promptly upon receipt. If you have a problem with the product, visit our Support  Center to find out about return shipping arrangements. 



If you discover your order is flawed please contact us Mail: With photos of the wrong product we will providing a return shipping label. Once it is tracking we will ship a replacement a product immediately. 

Damages and issues 

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective,  damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right. 

Exceptions / non-returnable items 

Certain types of items cannot be returned, like perishable goods (such as food, flowers, or plants),  custom products (such as special orders or personalized items), and personal care goods (such as  beauty products). We also do not accept returns for hazardous materials, flammable liquids, or  gases. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards. 


The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return  is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item. 


Sorry, it looks like some products are not available in selected quantity.


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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.